Like button revamp

Last modified by Adina Milica on 20 October 2023, 12:09

Hello everyone!

As started in this xdocFooter revamp discussion, the like button has certain issues.

Wanting to make the whole revamp easier to tackle, I want to split that initial proposal in 8 parts, this being the first one.

New look


The new like button is a default button with a full or outlined heart icon (depending on the state of the like button) and the number of likes shown in its right.

  • if it's liked - full heart
  • if it's not liked - outlined heart

The tooltip messages could be improved at the same time with the revamp or at a later time:

  • tooltip for state 1Click to like this page. 10 other people already liked it!
    • I think it's shorter, it's got more personality, it invites the user to join the other 10 people.
    • This does require conditional rendering. For 1 or 0 people the message would sound weird so we change it to: Click to like this page. 1 person already liked it!
  • tooltip for state 2: Click to unlike this page. Current number of likes: 11.
    • slightly shorter, doesn't repeat words

Looks (standalone)


Looks (contextual)



The only things that changed in the HTML:

  • taking out the badge class (there are many other instances in which it just shouldn't exist)
  • changing btn-primary into btn-default
  • using icons for each state

Not liked state

 <div class="like-container">
   <input id="is-liked" type="hidden" value="false">
     <div class="like-button btn btn-default" title="Click to like this page. 10 other people already liked it!">
       <span class="fa fa-heart"></span>
       <span class="like-number">10</span>

 Liked state

<div class="like-container">
  <input id="is-liked" type="hidden" value="true">
    <div class="like-button btn btn-default" title="Click to unlike this page. Current number of likes: 11.">
      <span class="fa fa-heart-o"></span>
      <span class="like-number">11</span>


The font-size would be the same with the body size.

Is the @font-size-base variable the right one to use for that?

.like-button {
  display: inline;
  font-size: 14px;