Tags look revamp

Last modified by Adina Milica on 19 June 2024, 16:39

Hello again!

As started in this xdocFooter revamp discussion, tags could be improved because of these reasons.

Right now, they are not very visible and if they weren't in a context which clearly specifies they are tags, you wouldn't think they are tags.

Wanting to make the whole initial revamp easier to tackle, I split that initial proposal in multiple parts, this being the second one (see proposals 1).

This proposal only concerns the general/normal/added-by-the-user tags (not the default/colored ones that I proposed in the initial proposal, those will be separately discussed). 

New look


The set of tags will stop being introduced by the label "Tags:". This will be replaced by a button that directly opens a UI for suggesting and adding tags. The old "+" button should disappear.

The new button is composed of a "+" icon and the label "Add tag".

The new tag will:

  • have a light gray container, fully-rounded
  • a "#" character before its text to clearly identify it as a tag
  • continue to keep the text colored as a link, with a contrast respecting WCAG AA

Looks (contextual)

The decision on which look should we move forward with must take into consideration the idea of default/colored tags explored in this proposal.

1. White background, border same color with the boxes' border


2. Box styling


3. full version

This version is with background-color: @dropdown-link-hover-bg



Changes in the HTML:

  • new structure and classes related to the add tags button
  • new tooltip message for adding tags
  • new tooltip message for any tag
  • the "#" should be separate from the tag itself  (you don't search by "#winter", you search by "winter")
                  <div class="doc-tags" id="xdocTags">

                    <div id="add-tag-button">
                      <a href="/xwiki/bin/view/Main/?showTagAddForm=true#xdocTags" rel="nofollow" title="Click to add new tags. Tags help in categorizing pages.">
                        <span class="fa fa-plus"></span>
                        <span class="add-tag">Add tag</span>
                    <span class="tag-wrapper">
                      <span class="tag" title="Click this tag to search all pages that have it.">
                        <a href="/xwiki/bin/view/Main/Tags?do=viewTag&amp;tag=productivity">



.doc-tags {
   flex: 1 300px;
   /* padding: 3px 2em 3px 0 */ /* got rid of this*/

.tag-wrapper {
   padding: 2px 1px;
   line-height: 225%; /* increased the line height */

   padding:3px 7px;
   vertical-align: middle;

   display: inline;
