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Last modified by Adina Milica on 05 June 2024, 17:24

List of quick actions macros that have problems

Even if a macro opens as expected it still doesn't have any indicator that it should open the config modal by double click. The solution of Michael was ideal)


Container (opens blank)

default text

Dashboard (opens blank)

Gallery (opens blank in editor)


Include Page (opens in modal - can be improved)

Async Macro (opens blank but makes sense that it does, especially because you can write in it)

Chart (opens in a modal - it's very complicated)

Content (opens blank but makes sense that it does, especially because you can write in it)


 Display (opens in a error box that actually specifies to click on the message - should be double-click)

Failed to execute the [display] macro. Cause: [You must specify a 'reference' parameter pointing to the entity to display.]. Click on this message for details.

Footnote (open in something semi-useful /semi-blank, but it can't be used on its own-  has this issue https://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XRENDERING-705,)

Icon (open in a modal that's confusing)

Live data (opens in a non-blank state, but would be nice to have at least one line of fake data)

Office Document viewer (opens in a error box that actually specifies to click on the message - should be double-click)

 Pages (opens in a non-blank state, but would be nice if it had fake data in it)

This table lists documents found on this wiki based on passed criteria. The columns can be sorted and some can be filtered.
per page of Page
The environment prevents the table from loading data.

Tag cloud (open directly with tags, check if you had not tags)

No page has been tagged yet

Translation (directly open in a modal, very confusing)

User avatar (open in a modal, easy to understand, but kind of not pretty?)

Picture of AdinaMilica


Code Snippet (open in a modal, it seems pretty understandable, but the current code macro is weak)

Box ( opens blank, the modal is complicated)

default text

Example (it opens nicely, works nicely, wow)

Heading 2


== Heading 2 ==



Table of Contents (works well)

Id ( should be named Anchor to be honest, or at least have in the name "Id/ Anchor " , open in a modal, easy to understand what to do but after submitting, it open blank)

Menu (opens in a nav bar, but it's empty emoticon_unhappy(( , the modal doesn't provide other details, for vertical value it opens an input row)

Unknown macro: menu. Click on this message for details.

Tree (didn't open?)